
  • De Gudde Wëllen is open:

Tuesday to Thursday from 5pm to midnight

Friday and Saturday from 5pm to 3 am

  • De Gudde Weather ( our sky roof terrasse ) is only open if the weather is good:

Tuesday to Thursday from 4PM to midnight

Friday from 4PM to 1AM

Saturday and Sunday midday to midnight 

De Gudde Wëllen is located in the old town of Luxembourg, on Rue du Saint Esprit, between the Place Clairefontaine and the Palais de Justice.

By foot: just a ten minute walk from the train station and the Hamilius bus station

By bus: Bus stop F.D. Roosevelt 

By Vélo'h: Station 38 'Helleg Geescht'

By car: 'Saint Esprit' or 'Knuedler' parking areas

For all requests and enquiries about events or space rentals, please send a mail to